
Busting the Meditation myths

All you needed to know about Meditation

Meditation is the new secret pill to success, happiness, peace & calm and yet there are so many blocks in the way we see & view it.

This month, the month almost dedicated to Love globally, let’s dive into what it might take to stay happy in a marriage, in love over years.

Today let’s debunk the top myths of meditation.

  • I must sit in Lotus position to Meditate:

    Sitting in Lotus position is great & is the most comfortable position for anyone who already meditates. It aligns and straightens the spinal cord allowing the chakra’s to cleanse & balance, it allows for good attention& ability to sit longer. However, it’s not the ONLY way to meditate. YOU alone are the best person to choose your position. You could choose to lie down & still be in awareness, You could choose you sit on a chair & feet on the floor, or YOU could choose to even stand and meditate. As a beginner, align to your purpose– Gaining benefit of the meditation. So, start with aligning to the purpose, if you are new, start with any sitting position meditation even using a back rest & then slowly advance to sitting without a back rest & staying present with the meditation of choice.

  • In a Meditation I have to keep a blank mind:

    Having control & calm of mind is the effect & gift of meditation. Our minds – Sub conscious tries to communicate with us throughout the day, and we often neglect the signs. Initially when we sit to Meditate the mind begins to “throw” into our awareness all topics & people we have incomplete work with or actions pending to be taken. So the next time you close your eyes to meditate, keep a notepad beside you to note down what your mind is bringing to your attention. That’s part of the process, allow it.

  • Meditation is done only for stress release:

    Yes, meditation is a clear answer for any stress, but it doesn’t stop there. Meditation has a million, yes a million benefits.

    Meditation helps us keep calm- as a personality & not just in that moment. Meditation removes negativity.
    Meditation keeps us aligned & aware of anomalies in our physical health Meditation helps us sleep better.
    Meditation fastens recovery from any ailment, can be a small cut, a major surgery, or a mental dysfunction.
    Meditation heightens our Instincts Meditation leads to better decisions Meditation increases productivity.
    Meditation helps identifying opportunities and a million more reasons,
    I hope the above reasons encourage you to begin today.

  • We must be vegan to meditate:

    Once again it’s a choice most people make. When you do meditate your alignment & communication with your body will guide you to what you must eat.

    There are many sages that still consume fish & meat & many others that live on Prana – Breath.

    So allow your body to guide you & to listen that voice we begin to meditate.

    Eating light & eating to live & sustain is more of the rule we can adopt. Observe yourself when we have a late heavy dinner we don’t sleep well, we wake up sluggish & tired, it’s because of the pressure placed on the digestion process & time taken away from the body to rejuvenate.

    Once again when we eat too heavy and then get into a meditation, the body automatically is sending all attention & blood flow to digest the food & thus reduces the ability to be aware.

  • We have to give up on having fun & ‘enjoying life’ when we decide to imbibe meditation in our lives:

    This thought once again comes from a perceived notion that people who meditate as a lifestyle don’t enjoy life.

    Meditation is a tool to Happiness- Happiness is a very open & free flowing concept.

    Some of us find it in the midst of noise, & some of us find it in the silence of our own company and for each choice made there is no right or wrong

    The Idea is to find what makes YOU feel your most authentic self. So yes, if you choose to meditate, you can CHOOSE to enjoy the fun elements the way you like.

  • We must use candles & incense sticks every time we meditate:

    Using candles, incense & sage is another element altogether. You may CHOOSE to, but you don’t have to.

    Just like entering a restaurant makes us hungry, entering a Church, Temple or Mosque, makes us choose silence, likewise lighting a candle, incense stick or sage cleanses the air of impurities & stale energy & creates a vibe.

    Meditation teaches us to FEEL with all our senses, & each one of us can choose what associations we like to have during our practice.

  • One can’t swear or get angry when we begin to meditate:

    There are no rules, yet when we begin to meditate we reach a state of understanding of self and others. And when we don’t understand others we allow the space.

    Anger is a release of emotions to things we cannot accept. When we meditate as a life practice, we learn to harness this energy very differently.

    So you may choose to be your authentic self & decide whether anger & swearing is a release that needs more thinking or just something that’s a choice.

So, if you have been thinking if meditation is something to ADD into your life but some myths held you back, then I hope those blocks have been cleared or atleast opened today to allow & welcome you to find your strength within you.

Wish you the most delighting Meditational Practice.


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